
Air quality in large cruise ships: how to improve it by using low-consumption air sanitization devices.

Qualità dell'aria nelle grandi navi da crociera: come migliorarla con dispositivi di sanificazione dell'aria a basso consumo.

A recent study published on the Science of the Total Environment journal (direct link below) highlights how real-time air quality monitoring on cruise ships could significantly reduce the risk of airborne disease transmission. Researchers analyzed CO₂ levels, temperature, and humidity in various ship areas - including buffets, gyms, bars, theaters, and cabins - to assess infection risks.

These are some key takeaways:

Low Risk in Certain Areas: spaces where passengers talk at normal volume showed a minimal chance of airborne transmission.

High-Risk Zones: the gym (17.2%) and pub (15.8%) had higher transmission probabilities, though limited time spent there reduced the actual risk to 5-7%. Sharing a cabin with an infected person? Risk skyrockets to 90%.

Ventilation Adjustments Needed: dining areas and pubs require more fresh air, while theaters and cabins might be over-ventilated. Smart CO₂ sensors could help optimize airflow.

Bottom line? Cruise ships must rethink their HVAC systems to balance passenger comfort and disease prevention. Real-time air monitoring could be a game-changer for the industry.


Puricraft  is an Italian innovative SME focused on the development of air and water sanitization solutions. In particular it offers a complete sanitization product range, protected by several international patents and developed with the scientific support and validation by the Department of Public Health of the Federico II University - a  well know center of excellence in this field at European level.

These devices are commercialized by Check Up. For over 30 years, Check Up has been developing advanced electronic solutions and specializing in customized real-time monitoring systems for various air quality parameters, including Radon level. The company also offers energy-independent devices that do not require complex wiring or frequent battery replacements for power supply.

The combination of air sanitization devices and real time air quality monitoring solutions could become also an ideal retrofitting solution.

Do you want to know more about the mentioned scientific research?

Here the link to the research Monitoring of indoor air quality at a large sailing cruise ship to assess ventilation performance and disease transmission risk:

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